
[Thesis] Young-Jae Lee, "위상 천이 풀 브리지 컨버터의 속응성 향상을 위한 하이브리드 퍼지 슬라이딩 모드 제어 방법," 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2020.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2020-07-25 23:59
  • 조회 2,930

This thesis proposes a hybrid fuzzy SMC (Sliding Mode Control) method to improve the dynamic performance of the PSFB-CT (Phase-

Shift Full-Bridge Center-Tapped) converter. In general, the control object of the PSFB-CT converter is the output voltage which is

conventionally controlled by a PI (Proportional-Integral) control. When using a PI control to control the output voltage of the PSFB-

CT converter, the dynamic characteristic can be undesirable, and it can be vulnerable from outer disturbances. To overcome the

disadvantages, the SMC has been used for the PSFB-CT converter. In the case that gain of the SMC is increased to improve the

dynamic characteristic, the chattering problem can occur in PSFB-CT converter. In this thesis, as an advanced control method, hybrid

fuzzy SMC is proposed to improve the dynamic performance of the PSFB-CT converter. Through fuzzy logic control, the gain of the

SMC varies appropriately. As a result, not only the dynamic characteristic of the PSFB-CT converter is improved, but the chattering

problem is also decreased. The validity of the proposed hybrid fuzzy SMC for the PSFB-CT converter is demonstrated by the 

simulation and experimental results.

Total 973건 19페이지
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