전력전자연구실의 새로운 연구원을 모집합니다.
1) 2025년 2학기 학부생 인턴
2) 2025년 2학기 석,박사 과정 대학원생(학부 및 석사 졸업자)
전기자동차 응용, 신재생 에너지 시스템, 전력전자시스템의 신뢰성 운전, 전동기 제어 등
학비+생활비+해외학술대회 참여지원
본 공고에 관심이 있는 학생은 원천관 303호 방문,
혹은 kyl@ajou.ac.kr, 031-219-2376으로 문의하기 바랍니다.
Notice about 'Thesis Defense' as follows*Date: 2024. 11. 23.*TIme: 10:00 ~*Place: 216, Energy Center, Ajou University*Defensers - Ph.D. Students: Hye-Won Choi, Hasan Ali Gamal Al-kaf - Master Students: Mun-Gyeom Park, Gi-Jung Nam, Ok-Hyeong Lee, Seung-Hun Han, Soo-Ho Jo
Notice about 'Thesis Defence' as follows*Date: 2024. 06. 07*Time: 15:00 ~*Place: Woncheon Hall, 333.*Defenders - Master Students: Yun-Jae Bae, Yoon-Jae Heo, Hak-Cheol Lee
Notice about 'Thesis Defense' as follows*Date: 2023. 12. 19.*TIme: 14:00 ~*Place: Woncheon Hall, (* Room will be updated soon)*Defensers- Ph.D. Students: Samer Saleh Hakami, Won-Seok Jung- Master Students: In-Ho Lee, Tae-Yong Yoon, Hyeon-Jun Park, Hyeon-Woo Jeong, Young-Duk Jang, Kyoung-Woon Boo, Eun-Jeong Koh, Dong-Min Bae
Byungwoo, Sungoh, and Yunjin's presentation and our last dinner in Atlanta.
Visiting Stone Mountain, the first Chick-fil-A restaurant, Hooters, and the World of Coca-Cola.
Visiting the Georgia World Congress Center, Jaeseong's presentation, and dinner with members of the Itoh's Lab.
2025. 03. 13. LG Electronics visited PELs for recruitment.
2025.02.21 Hye-Won Choi and Hasan Ali Gamal Al-kaf have graduated with a Ph.D, and Mun-Gyeom Park and Gi-Jung Nam have graduated with a Master.