
[Thesis] Leticia Aseye Adase, "Minimizing Torque and Flux Ripples of Predictive Torque Control with Simple Duty-Ratio Regulator of PMSM," 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2020.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2020-07-25 23:50
  • 조회 2,047

Recently, predictive torque control (PTC) is an extensively known control method in motor drives field. It is recognized as a robust

control scheme used for high-performance control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), which provides a rapid

dynamic response. However, the high current harmonics and stator voltages in the permanent magnet when using direct torque

control because of high torque and flux ripple cannot be overemphasized. This thesis shows a new scheme of minimizing the ripples

of flux and torque of PMSM using PTC. The analysis of the equation following the relationship of equations involving torque and

reference voltage was utilized by the conventional PTC. Thus, the ripple of both motor torque and flux shows a significant increase

in the lower speed operation area. This thesis proposes a straight forward regulation duty ratio to be used to improved PTC. The

method introduced calculates suitable motor torque minimization function to eradicate the ripple of stator flux and torque induced

in the lower region of speed. The torque minimization function is introduced into the space vector pulse-width modulation block to

decrease the ripple of motor torque produced in arrears to the set period. The proposed method substantially decreases ripples of

flux and motor torque while creating in the transient state a quick step response of the motor torque. Results of simulation and

experiment validated that the projected PTC approach effectually and significantly improves the dynamics of the system and

noticeably decrease the ripple of the torque in contrast with the scheme of conventional PTC.

Total 973건 19페이지
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