
[Thesis] Gi-Jung Nam, "단일 인버터에 병렬 연결된 두 대의 매입형 영구자석 동기 전동기 구동을 위한 간단한 속도제어 기법," 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2025.

  • 글쓴이 최고관리자
  • 날짜 2025-02-28 16:22
  • 조회 48

 This paper proposes a simple speed control method for dual interior permanent magnet synchronous motors fed by a single inverter. Two motors are connected in parallel with a single inverter. One motor is selected as the master motor, controlled by the inverter, and the other motor is selected as the slave motor, coupled to the master motor. Since both motors are controlled by a single inverter, applying a conventional speed control method for a single motor causes torque oscillation when the torque loads of the two motors differ. This causes a speed difference between the motors and destabilizes the system. Therefore, a dual motor drive system requires an additional control strategy. The proposed control method reduces the instability of the slave motor with a conventional proportional-integral speed controller. The performance of the proposed speed control method for a dual motor drive system is verified through simulations and experiments.

Total 180건 1페이지
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