
[International Journals] Seok-Kyoon Kim, Sun Lim, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Disturbance Observer-Based Model-Independent Filtering Technique for Speed Servo Applications via Pole-Zero Cancellation Approach," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, in press. -SCI

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2024-09-01 21:04
  • 조회 257

This article presents an advanced speed filtering technique for servo drives independent from the system model information with the reduction of the performance tuning difficulty. The contributions are two-fold: (a) the first subsystem filters the rotor position from the encoder measurement to

recover the rotational speed of the rotor through the pole-zero cancellation technique, and (b) the second subsystem, which forms the disturbance 

observer, attenuates the disturbance to improve the speed filtering accuracy. The prototype 500-W servo drive validates the improvement in filtering 

performance under several load conditions.

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