
[International Conference] Yeongsu Bak and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Restarting Method for Hydraulic Turbine Generation Systems Applied PMSG Sensorless Control," in Proc. ICPE (ECCE-Asia) Conf., pp. May 2019, 1639–1644.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-07-02 16:22
  • 조회 1,824

This paper presents a restarting method for hydraulic turbine generation systems applied permanent magnet synchronous generator 

(PMSG) sensorless control. The hydraulic turbine generation systems replace a differential pressure control valves (DPCVs) in order 

to utilize an unused differential pressure (DP) energy in the heat transmission network. The DP control of high-pressure fluids in the 

heat transmission network is performed through the sensorless control of the PMSG connected to the hydraulic turbine,  which 

is consistently rotated by the high-pressure fluids flowing into the heat transmission network. In these systems, the rotor frequency 

and position of the PMSG are required for the restarting method. In this paper, the restarting method for the hydraulic turbine

generation systems is proposed and it is performed by estimating the rotor frequency and position of the PMSG using the 

shortcircuit current vectors. The effectiveness of the proposed restarting method is verified by simulation results. 

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