
[International Journals] June-Seok Lee and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Performance Analysis of Carrier-Based Discontinuous PWM Method for Vienna Rectifiers with Neutral-Point Voltage Balance," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 4075–4084, Jun. 2016. -SCI

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-30 15:37
  • 조회 1,817

 The nongenerative-boost type rectifier, which is called the Vienna rectifier, is advantageous in terms of efficiency and current total harmonic distortion. Therefore, the Vienna rectifier is used in grid-connected applications such as telecommunication systems and wind turbine systems. Owing to the structural characteristics of the Vienna rectifier, various switching methods exist. Among these methods, a carrier-based discontinuous pulse-width modulation (CB-DPWM) method guarantees high efficiency compared to continuous pulse-width modulation methods; moreover, it is simple compared to a DPWM method based on space vectors. In this paper, the performance of the CB-DPWM method, its applicable region depending on the power factor and modulation index (Ma), and its efficiency are analyzed in detail. Then, based on the analysis, a neutral-point voltage balancing method for the CB-DPWM method is proposed. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed neutral-point voltage balancing method are verified by simulation and experiment.  

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