
[International Conference] Ibrahim Mohd Alsofyani and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Improved Overmodulation Strategy in DTC with Constant Frequency Torque Controller of PMSM for Quick Torque Control at Different Dynamic Conditions," in Proc. ECCE Conf., Sep. 2018, pp. 3394–3399.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:29
  • 조회 1,647

This paper proposes an improved dynamic overmodulation for direct torque control with constant switching frequency controller

(DTC-CFTC) of AC motor drives to achieve fast dynamic performance under different operating conditions. The dynamic process of

the DTC is obtained by the selection of active voltage vectors in the torque trainset. To further improve the dynamic performance,

the most optimized active voltage is identified and selected based on the flux position. However, owing to the nature of the DTC-

CFTC, some zero voltage vectors are selected in the dynamic process. As such, with the optimized voltage vector, the torque

performance of DTC-CFTC is still slow. By simultaneous modification of torque and flux error statuses, the proposed overmodulation

strategy can overcome this problem and achieve very fast torque response at different speed and torque operations. The

effectiveness of the proposed overmodulation in DTC-CFTC of PMSM is verified by simulation results. 

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