
[International Conference] Yesl Shin, June-Hee Lee, June-Seok Lee, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "CLC Filter Design of a Flyback-Inverter for Photovoltaic Systems," in Proc. IPEC (ECCE-Asia) Conf., May 2014, pp. 493–497.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:39
  • 조회 1,670

This paper proposes a CLC filter design of a flyback-inverter for photovoltaic systems. This applied system is small power system;

therefore, the capacity and size of the entire system are critical factor. The proposed CLC filter consists of a conventional CL filter

and an additional capacitor. The CLC filter, which guarantees the same performance about the current ripple reduction as that of the

CL filter, can reduce the size of capacitor and inductor, comparing with components of CL filter. It can help the applied flyback-

inverter to be smaller size and cost less. In this paper, the CL filter with the passive damping method is analyzed. Next, the one

passive damping method with low power consumption is applied the effect of this method is analyzed. In order to verify the

performance of the proposed CLC filter and the validity of passive damping method, a simulation is conducted.

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