
[International Conference] Won-Sang Im, Jang-Mok Kim, Dong-Choon Lee, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control of 3-phase AC-DC PWM Converter System," in Proc. ECCE Conf., Sep. 2011, pp. 1328–1333.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:17
  • 조회 1,647

  There is a possibility of open-switch fault of 3-phase AC-DC PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) converter due to some troubles of the

  switching devices. In this case, the converter causes the unbalanced input AC currents including harmonics and the ripple of DC-link

  voltage. This paper proposes the phase detection method of open-switch fault and the fault-tolerant control algorithm to minimize

  the unbalance of the input AC current and the ripple voltage of the DC-link in 3-phase AC-DC PWM converter. In particular, open-

  switch fault case of one switch among six switches of PWM converter is analyzed. The usefulness of this paper is verified through

  the computer simulation and experimentation, respectively.


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