
[Domestic Conference] Hasan Ali Gamal Alkaf and Kyo-Beum Lee, "A Comparison between Five-Level Virtual Voltage Vectors Based on MPC-DSVPWM and Field Oriented Control of Two-Level Inverter for PMSM Drive," 전력전자학회 하계학술대회 논문집, pp.243–245, 2023.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2023-12-07 14:24
  • 조회 561

 Model  predictive  control  (MPC)  is  a  popular  choice  for  electric drive  applications  due  to  its  ease  of  implementation,  and  fast dynamics.  However,  when  a  two-level  inverter  is  used,  it  can result in large current ripples due to a limited number of voltage vectors. Therefore, this study proposes a method called the five-level virtual voltage vectors based on MPC with discrete space vector pulse width modulation (FLVV-MPC-SVPWM) to improve steady-state  performance  of  the  current  control  for  permanent magnet  synchronous  motors  (PMSMs).  The  proposed  method generates virtual voltage vectors that are equivalent to the ones produced by a 5-level active neutral-point clamped converter (5L-ANPC), resulting in a total of 125 voltage vectors. The proposed FLVV-MPC-SVPWM aims to achieve a steady state performance near to that of the widely-used field-oriented control approach (FOC). The results of FLVV-MPC-SVPWM have near the steady-state performance as  FOC, and guarantee a faster dynamic response.

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