
[Domestic Journals] Jee-Yoon Cha, Hyeonjin Kim, Changyeop Maeng, and Kyo-Beum Lee, “PCC Voltage Stabilization using an Autonomous Volt-VAR Curve Change in Smart Inverters,” The transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 625–631, Apr. 2022.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2023-01-10 20:52
  • 조회 862

This paper proposes a method of stabilizing a point of common coupling (PCC) voltage using an autonomous Volt-VAR curve 

change in smart inverters. When the interconnection capacity of distributed energy resources rapidly increases, the problem of a 

reverse power flow occurs and the PCC voltage becomes unstable. The smart inverter which is a grid-connected inverter for 

distributed energy resources performs Volt-VAR control in order to stabilize the unstable PCC voltage. The smart inverter 

autonomously changes the Volt-VAR curve according to the PCC voltage. The smart inverter uses Volt-VAR curve with a larger 

slope if the PCC voltage is not stabilized when the Volt-VAR curve with a small slop is used. The Volt-VAR curve is maintained 

if the PCC voltage is stabilized using the Volt-VAR curve. The validity of the proposed method is verified by the simulation results 

and experimental results.

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