Farewell party for exchange student (25.01.23) (9)

  • 작성자 관리자
  • 작성일 2025.01.24 10:28
  • 조회수 241


 with Nishikawa


전정환님의 댓글

전정환 작성일

Nishikawa, I will remember the memories I had with you. I hope you do well in your research activities in Japan!

문재환님의 댓글

문재환 작성일

Nishikawa, it was so nice to meet you.
I will pray for your brilliant future.

이형우님의 댓글

이형우 작성일

Nishikawa I hope you enjoyed your life in Korea.

김성오님의 댓글

김성오 작성일

Nishikawa, I hope you made great memories in Korea before you left.

이윤진님의 댓글

이윤진 작성일

Nishikawa, I hope you had a great time in Korea. I'll contact you when I go to Japan.

황민준님의 댓글

황민준 작성일

Nishikawa, I really like you, but I'm sorry I didn't see you a lot.
please stay healthy and well in japan.
I will remember you forever.

김민기님의 댓글

김민기 작성일

Nishikawa, it was a short time, but I was happy to have conversations and spend time with you. I hope you always stay healthy and happy in Japan!!

박지수님의 댓글

박지수 작성일

Nishikawa, wishing you all the best on your journey to Japan—may this new chapter be filled with success and great experiences!

정병준님의 댓글

정병준 작성일

Nishigawa, even though our time together was brief, I was happy to have shared so many conversations with you right next to me. Goodbye!

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