Exchange student seminar (9)

  • 작성자 관리자
  • 작성일 2023.11.09 15:09
  • 조회수 724


Masa`s Exchange student seminar 


Masa님의 댓글

Masa 작성일

Thanks for giving me a good opportunity, professor!
Also, I want to say thanks to the students for taking your precious time, and making questions!
(Actually, I was very anxious, but it is not needed!)

samer님의 댓글

samer 작성일

Thanks for the nice presentation, Masa!

이교범님의 댓글

이교범 작성일

Masa, it was a 'とても' nice presentation!!

배윤재님의 댓글

배윤재 작성일

It was very interesting to attend your presentation Masa. I hope to interact with our power electronic knowledge. 元気にしましょう。

박문겸님의 댓글

박문겸 작성일

It was a meaningful time. ありがとう!

윤태용님의 댓글

윤태용 작성일

Thank you for your presentation, and it was very interesting!

이형우님의 댓글

이형우 작성일

Thanks for your presentation, I hope you have a good time in Korea.

남기정님의 댓글

남기정 작성일

Good presentation! Welcome to PEL in Ajou university.

강병수님의 댓글

강병수 작성일

I was impressed with your presentation. Thank you Masa ~

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