This paper compares and analyzes various methods for accurate detection of grid voltage magnitude in the grid-connected power
conversion system (PCS) such as wind
power generation system, solar energy generation system, and energy storage
system (ESS). In
addition, it compares and analyzes low
voltage ride through (LVRT) control method, which is required to keep the
continuous operation
of the system when the grid voltage
drops. The LVRT control methods are used for stable operation of the system including
the grid-
connected PCS such as wind power
generation system, solar energy generation system, and ESS when the grid
voltage drops. Recently,
the LVRT control methods based on the
grid code for the systems are widely researched. Regardless of the energy
sources, the main
purpose of the LVRT control method is
similar to each other. It is to inject the reactive current into the grid
through the grid-connected
PCS depending on the grid code when the
grid voltage drops. In the systems including the grid-connected PCS, the
injection quantity
of the active and reactive currents is
determined to the voltage drop ratio by the LVRT control method. However,
unlike the wind
power generation system and solar energy
generation system having the characteristic of unidirectional power
transmission, the ESS
has the characteristic of bidirectional
power transmission. Therefore, in the LVRT control method of the ESS, it should
consider the
charging and discharging states of the
ESS, in addition, this paper analyzes the variations of the point of common
coupling (PCC)
voltage depending on the phase of the
reactive current during the charging and discharging states of the ESS. The
validity of the LVRT
control method of the grid-connected PCS
is verified and the variations of the PCC voltage are analyzed by simulation