
[Thesis] Yong-Dae Kwon, “Dead-Beat 제어를 이용한 단상 비엔나 정류기의 전류 품질 향상 방법,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2018.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 12:06
  • 조회 3,006

 This paper proposes a dead-beat control method for the improving the line current quality of single-phase Vienna rectifier. Proportional-integral (PI) controllers are adopted to the conventional single-phase Vienna rectifiers to alleviate its line current. The PI controller is appropriate for controlling DC components. The dynamic characteristics of PI controller is not fast enough to following the reference current in the regions near at the line current’s zero-crossing section which has an AC component. Thus, increment of the total harmonic distortion (THD) occurs due to the degeneration of the power factor (PF). In order to solve this problem, a controller with a  fast dynamic response is required. The dead-beat controller which has the fast dynamics is applied as the solution to improve the line current quality. In addition to this method, a current mode verifying method is also applied, in order to control the average current both in the continuous current mode (CCM) and the discontinuous current mode (DCM) region. Moreover, by predicting the next current state, the optimal duty cycle of the single-phase Vienna rectifier can be calculated. Applying the proposed method to the single-phase Vienna rectifier, the quality of the line current is improved, and the PF is controlled to the unity. The validity verifying of the detail operation of proposed DBC algorithm is deducted by using a PSIM simulation and an experiment with single-phase Vienna rectifier prototype.

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