
[Thesis] Byung-Yong Jeon, “이중에너지 X선 흡수법을 이용한 골밀도측정기의 성능평가 방법,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2018.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 12:02
  • 조회 2,692

In this paper, two objective phantoms were selected to measure the reproducibility and accuracy of BMD (Bone Mineral Density)

according to the manufacturer and installation environment, and proposed a performance evaluation test item of DXA by statistical 

analysis. As the aging population becomes more interested in osteoporosis, a variety of techniques are used in measurement methods. 

Generally, there are DXA, QCT, and QUS methods, and the DXA method is currently the most widely used. The approval test of bone 

densitometer using DXA method in Korea is carried out by applying almost the same standard as overseas. However, in Japan and 

South Korea, it is recommended that the performance tests be presented. In Japan, the JIS standard is presented and the performance 

test is conducted with the phantom conforming to the standard. However, since the guidelines for performance are not established in 

Korea, the test is being conducted with the test standard suggested by the manufacturer / importer. This causes many problems 

because the standards vary from the manufacturer. 

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