
[Thesis] Hyun-Cheol Moon, “계통연계 인버터의 전력품질 향상을 위한 이산 공간벡터 변조 방식 기반의 향상된 모델 예측 제어 기법,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2018.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 12:01
  • 조회 2,972

This paper proposes an improved model predictive current control (MPC) based on discrete space vector modulation (DSVM) to achieve

high performance of output current waveforms and a fixed switching frequency. The conventional finite set model predictive control 

(FS-MPC) has several disadvantages such as large current ripples, variable switching frequency, and excessive acoustic noise. To 

overcome these problems, the proposed method adapts the DSVM strategy. The proposed DSVM strategy enables to obtain a large 

number of virtual voltage vectors without complex initialization process or lookup table, which are the drawbacks of the conventional 

DSVM strategies. To avoid the high computational burden problem caused by a large amount of virtual voltage vectors, the proposed 

method minimizes the number of candidate voltage vectors by selecting the optimal region in the space vector diagram. Since the 

MPC and DSVM strategies are adapted in the proposed method, the fast dynamic response and high quality of the output currents 

are achieved. The simulation and experimental results were presented to verify the effectiveness and performance of the proposed 

method using a two-level grid-connected voltage source inverter. 

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