
[Thesis] Jaeyoon Cho, “ISO 26262 간섭 배제를 위한 CDD SRM 드라이버의 AUTOSAR 아키텍처 제안,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2017.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 12:00
  • 조회 2,959

This paper is to study and propose an AUTOSAR architecture fulling ISO 26262 Freedom of Interference for CDD (Complex Device

Driver) SRM (Switched Reluctance Motor) driver. SRM has been highlighted as a next generation electric drive thanks to continuous 

development of SRM control method. Functional safety requirement in ISO 26262 is a very important topic as automotive E/E gets 

more complexed. In addition, safety related critical software components such as edrive driver should comply with ISO 26262 ASIL 

(Automotive Safety Integrity Level). Therefore, it is necessary to research case studies relevant to these subjects in order to devise an 

AUTOSAR architecture proposal fulfilling ISO 26262 Freedom of Interference for CDD SRM driver.

Total 174건 7페이지
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