This paper proposes a carrier-based pulse width modulation (CB-PWM) method with synchronous switching technique for a Vienna
rectifier. In this paper, a Vienna
rectifier is one of the 3-level converter topologies. It is similar to a
3-level T-type topology using back-
to-back switches. When CB-PWM switching
method is used, a Vienna rectifier is operated with six PWM signals. On the
other hand,
when the back-to-back switches are
synchronized, PWM signals can be reduced to three from six. However, the
synchronous switching
method has a problem that the current
distortion around zero-crossing point is worse than one of the conventional
CB-PWM switching
method. To improve current distortions,
this paper proposes a reactive current injection technique. The performance and
of the proposed synchronous switching
method are verified by simulation and experimental with a 5-kW Vienna rectifier.