
[Thesis] Man Woo Jang, “저독성 난연 저연 전선의 시험 방법,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2014.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 11:43
  • 조회 3,177

This paper presents the international standard of safety test for halogen free flame retardant low smoke electric wires. This is to

verify that safety test standard should be applied in accordance with the intended use environment and purpose by performing

safety tests for halogen free flame retardant low smoke electric wires, For this, domestic and international usage survey and safety

test of halogen free flame retardant low smoke electric wires were conducted. The result shows that there is interest about halogen

free flame retardant low smoke electric wires, and this is applied in the standard mentioned by the Eletric Appiance Safety Control

Act and Industrial Standardization Act in Korea. In addition, it is shown that the United states, Europe, China and Japan have different

standards for halogen free flame retardant low smoke electric wires. How safety tests are conducted internationally and the different

standards have been studied based on the results of domestic and international investigation. In addition, wire samples were analyzed

under the same conditions. As a result, it is confirmed that safety tests should be applied in accordance with the intended use

environment and purpose.

Total 973건 26페이지
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