
[Thesis] Jia Yang, “통합운영 자동화 S/W 개발 및 적용방안 연구,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2014.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 11:38
  • 조회 2,628

 The goal of this paper is to contribute to cost reduction and the securing of stable water quality at the outflow point of the clear water reservoir by proposing a feedback control which analyzes the problem of the feedback control system utilized in the past and automatically considers the residence time with the purpose of overcoming the limit of manual operation according to a chart of data during the disinfection process of water treatment plants in K-water, the operation workers mostly determine the chlorine injection rate with manual operation based on the chart to inject chlorine. Also, the feedback control system utilized in the past, operating with fixed residence time, showed the limit of automatic operation because it was unable to appropriately respond to the change of water filtration quantities, which resulted in exceeding standard for the K-water water quality Accordingly, proposing a disinfection process control system that automatically calculates the residence time from water filtration quantities, after comparing the data from injection rate operation, it has been verified that there is more than 1.5 Times improvement in direction of the target outflow concentration.

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