
[Thesis] Dae-Hwan Kim, “전력선을 이용한 LED조명의 조도 조절,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2014.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 11:37
  • 조회 2,680

This paper is about illumination adjustment method and LED lighting of illumination control systems using a power line. The

advantages of LED lighting compared with existing lighting can be briefly summarized as high-efficiency, long-life and eco-friendly. 

However, it is difficult to generalize because it is still expensive to replace the existing lighting. Illumination control methods and 

system of LED lighting can use the existing power lines with simplicity and low cost which is done in a way so that is basically used

for lighting control signal transmission phase control of the power to use alternating current switching element (Triac). The existing 

incandescent lamp dimmer is required for continuous phase control of power to control the rate of power transmission for 

illumination. Ongoing of phase control will supply power not suitable to the input of the LED lighting power supply. Thus, the phase

control of the power is temporarily used only for inputting control information of the LED lighting connected to the lower power is

advantageous. It is designed to transmit control information in a half cycle using a high-speed power cutoff function of the 

alternating current switching element. It is detected by lighting power supply apparatus power shutdown instantaneously which

is inserted into the half-cycle; it is converted to the magnitude of the output current. LED lighting does not have a large amount of

data. In this study, it is intended to present the illumination control method using the alternating current switching device with the

power line.

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