
[Thesis] Sang-Ho Moon, “LCLC 필터를 사용한 배터리 충전기용 양방향 DC-DC 컨버터의 성능 향상,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2014.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-12-24 11:23
  • 조회 2,561

In this paper, a battery charger is introduced for an interleaved DC-DC converter with an LCLC filter. A method for improving the

overall performance of the DC-DC converter for battery charger is proposed. First, the structure of the system is presented. Second,

an LC filter is compared to an LCLC filter in terms of the response characteristics and size. Third, the small-signal model of a

bidirectional DC-DC converter using a state-space averaging method and the required transfer functions are introduced. Next, the

frequency characteristics of the converter are discussed. Finally, the simulation and experimental results are analyzed to verify the

proposed state space of the bidirectional converter.

Total 174건 10페이지
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