Power losses of a 1-stage DC-DC converter and 2-stage DC-DC converter are compared in this paper. A phase-shift full-bridge DC-DC
converter is considered as 1-stage topology. This topology has disadvantages in the stress of rectifier diodes because of the resonance
between the leakage inductor of the transformer and the junction capacitor of the rectifier diode. 2-stage topology is composed of an
LLC resonant full-bridge DC-DC converter and buck converter. The LLC resonant full-bridge DC-DC converter does not need an RC
snubber circuit of the rectifier diode. However, there is the drawback that the switching loss of the buck converter is large due to the
hard switching operation. To reduce the switching loss of the buck converter, SiC MOSFET is used. This paper analyzes and compares
power losses of two topologies considering temperature condition. The validity of the power loss analysis and calculation is verified by
a PSIM simulation model.