
[International Conference] Sang-Hun Kim, Seok-Min Kim, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Open-Switch Fault Detection for Hybrid ANPC Inverter Based on Current Distortion," in Proc. SCEMS Conf., Nov. 2019.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-11-06 15:44
  • 조회 1,821

In this paper, an open-switch fault detection method is proposed for a hybrid active neutral-point clamped (ANPC) inverter. The

hybrid ANPC topology used 4 silicon switches and 2 silicon carbide switches to generate the threelevel output voltage. The open-

switch fault in the hybrid ANPC inverter leads to a distortion of the output current. The current distortion decreases efficiency and

eventually breaks down the system. Therefore, an open-switch fault detection method is required to improve the reliability of the

hybrid ANPC inverter. Radius and angle in the dq-axis determine the location of the faulty switch. This method identifies the faulty

switch without using additional sensors. Simulation results verified the validity of the proposed method. 

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