The integration of switched-capacitor techniques into multilevel inverters (MLIs) with a dc source string contributes to the boosting
of voltage gain, renders it particularly attractive in reducing the number of input dc sources in the series string. However, the recent
two-stage MLI topologies suffer from high voltage stress across the backend H-bridge. Addressing this concern, an improved
topology, namely the one-switched-capacitor integrated MLI (1SCI-MLI) is proposed in this paper. An extended topology of 1SC-
MLI is also established by appropriate incorporation of another switched-capacitor circuit. The two proposed topologies are
endowed with voltage boosting capability. They also feature low switch count and low number of dc sources. More importantly, they
resolve the high voltage stress problem in the existing counterparts. Their corresponding operational analysis and comparisons with
recent MLI topologies are discussed. Simulation and experimental results from a laboratory prototype are presented to validate the
effectiveness of the proposed topologies.