
[International Conference] Young Jae Lee, Yeongsu Bak, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Dynamic Characteristic Improvement of Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Center-Tapped Converters Using a Model Predictive Control," in Proc. CENCON Conf., Oct. 2019, pp. 100–103.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-10-22 17:23
  • 조회 1,891

This paper proposes dynamic characteristic improvement of phase-shift full-bridge center-tapped (PSFB-CT) converter using a model

predictive control (MPC). The PSFB-CT converters are used for a low voltage DC/DC converter (LDC) of electric vehicles (EVs).

It usually controls the output voltage using a proportional-integral (PI) control. However, it has disadvantage in unsuitable dynamic

characteristic. Additionally, the overshoot of the output voltage can be occurred in case the gain of the PI controller increases for

improving the dynamic characteristic. Therefore, in this paper, the MPC method is proposed in order to improve the dynamic

characteristic of the PSFB-CT converter without overshoot of the output voltage. In the proposed MPC method, the next state of the

output power is predicted by the variation of the output power. It is calculated by the variation of output voltage and current of the

PSFB-CT converter. As a result, the optimal phase-shift can be obtained. The effectiveness of proposed MPC method was proved

by the simulation results.

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