
[International Conference] Seok-Min Kim and Kyo-Beum Lee, "An Improved Finite-Set Model Predictive Current Control for 3L-HANPC Inverter Fed PMSM Drives," in Proc. ITEC Conf., May 2019.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-07-02 16:20
  • 조회 1,800

This paper proposes an advanced finite-set model predictive current control (FS-MPCC) for permanent magnet synchronous motor

(PMSM) drives fed by three-level hybrid active neutral point clamped (3L-HANPC) inverter. The 3LHANPC which is state of the art

in multilevel topology provides outstanding performances in terms of system efficiency and thermal behavior of switching devices

in bi-directional power delivery. Computational burden is a major hurdle for practical implementation of FS-MPCC of motor drive.

To reduce the huge computation and calculation time, the optimal section is determined thus the number of voltage vectors is

selected and the calculation time for cost function can be reduced. Simulation results confirm that the computation burden could

be reduced while dynamic performance is comparable with the conventional all voltage-vectors based FS-MPCC. 

Total 217건 5페이지
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