A modular multilevel converter (MMC) is regarded as a promising topology in high-voltage direct current systems. However, the
MMC consists of numerous submodules (SMs) and switching devices, which lead to a considerable switching loss, and increased
cost and size of the heat sink. To mitigate these issues, this paper presents a novel modulation method composed of
fundamental frequency modulation (FFM) and multicarrier-based sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation schemes. The main purpose of
this modulation method is the reduction of switching loss while maintaining good harmonic performance. However, the FFM scheme
leads to the unbalanced capacitor voltage of each SM in the MMC. Accordingly, this paper additionally proposes the rotation method
and selective voltage balancing control for SMs to ensure effective performance of the method. Simulation and experimental results
verify the effectiveness and performance of the proposed modulation scheme through switching loss and spectral analyses.