Multi-level voltage source inverter (VSI) fed doubly fed induction machine (DFIM) has gained prominence in large rated hydro-
generating unit (HU) since it provides part load operation with reduced power converter rating and high dynamic stability. Power
converters connected in rotor side control real and reactive power of the unit. This study discusses the condenser operation of
variable speed HU (250 MW), to be commissioned in Tehri plant (India), with the power flow diagram. Further, it provides dynamic
behaviour and survivability status of the DFIM unit during power converter and control circuit faults where power converter
redundancy is not available in large rated DFIM unit. Economic analysis of 250 MW HU under power converter and control circuit
failures are also investigated. The present work also explores fault tolerant operation of a 250 MW DFIM unit at open switch fault in
converters to increase the continuity of the unit operation which provides additional 2% of reactive power support to the grid
compared to the DFIM without power converter redundancy operation. Open switch fault is detected through Park's vector phase
currents technique and variation in DC link voltage. The computer simulation results are validated in an experiment carried on 2.2
kW DFIM in the laboratory.