
[International Journals] Seong-Yun Kang, Hye Ung Shin, Sung-Min Park, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Optimal Voltage Vector Selection Method for Torque Ripple Reduction in the Direct Torque Control of Five-phase Induction Motors," Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1203–1210, Sep. 2017. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-30 15:48
  • 조회 2,035

This paper presents an improved switching selection method for the direct torque control (DTC) of five-phase induction motors

(IMs). The proposed method is conducted using optimal switching selection. A five-phase inverter has 32 voltage vectors which are

divided into 30 nonzero voltage vectors and two zero voltage vectors. The magnitudes of the voltage vectors consist of large,

medium, and small voltage vectors. In addition, these vectors are related to the torque response and torque ripple. When a large

voltage vector is selected in a drive system, the torque response time decreases with an increased torque ripple. On the other hand,

when a small voltage vector is selected, the torque response time and torque ripple increase. As a result, this paper proposes an

optimal voltage vector selection method for improved DTC of a five-phase induction machine depending on the situation. Simulation

and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.  

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