
[International Journals] June-Seok Lee and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Predictive Control of Vienna Rectifiers for PMSG Systems," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 2580–2591, Apr. 2017. -SCI

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-30 15:47
  • 조회 1,918

 This paper proposes the predictive control of Vienna rectifiers for permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs). Vienna rectifiers are used as the generator-side converter of the power conversion system using PMSGs. In this paper, the proposed predictive control is applied to Vienna rectifiers. The proposed predictive control takes eight feasible switching vectors of Vienna rectifiers into account; therefore, the computational burden, which is a disadvantage of the predictive control for ac/dc converters, decreases. In the proposed predictive control, the candidate switching vectors for the neutral-point voltage balance are selected, and then, among them, the optimized switching vector is selected from the cost function consisting of the current ripple and the number of switching. To ensure the intelligent performance, which focuses on current total harmonic distortion at low current and the efficiency at high current, the weighing factor function using the current magnitude is proposed. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed predictive control of Vienna rectifiers for PMSGs are verified by simulation and experiment. 

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