
[International Journals] Abdelsalam A. Ahmed, Byung Kwon Koh, Hyo Sung Park, Kyo-Beum Lee, and Young Il Lee, "Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control Method for Torque Control of Induction Motors using a State Tracking Cost Index," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 1916–1928, Mar. 2017. - SCI

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-30 15:45
  • 조회 1,955

This paper presents a novel torque control method for two-level-inverter-fed induction motor drives. The control principle is based

on a finite-control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) using a state tracking cost index. In the online procedure of the proposed

FCS-MPC, the optimal voltage vector and its corresponding optimal modulation factor are determined based on the principle of

torque and rotor flux error minimization. In this method, a reference state is determined in a systematic way so that the reference

torque tracking with maximum torque per ampere and flux-limited operation could be achieved. In addition, a weighting matrix for

the state tracking error is optimized in offline using the linear matrix inequality based optimization problem. The efficacy of the

proposed FCS-MPC method is proved by the simulation and experimental results at different working circumstances. The

comparison of the presented control system with the conventional FCS-MPC and with other reported FCS-MPC with modulation

control is made. The proposed algorithm yields fast dynamic performance and minimum torque and current ripples at different

speed and torque levels. 

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