
[International Journals] June-Seok Lee, Hae-Gwang Jeong, and Kyo-Beum Lee, “Active Damping for Wind Power Systems with LCL Filters Using a DFT,” Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 326–332, Mar. 2012. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-30 15:02
  • 조회 1,687

This paper proposes a simple active damping algorithm for small-scale wind power systems with an LCL filter. Compared to an L

filter or an LC filter, an LCL filter can decrease the harmonics induced by low switching frequencies and produce a satisfactory grid-

side current using a comparatively low inductance. Additional active damping of the filter resonance is necessary when an LCL filter

is used. This paper introduces an active damping method using a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) filter to improve performance

without additional sensors or complexity. Experimental results are shown to verify the validity of the proposed algorithm as an active

damping method. 

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