
[International Conference] Yong-Dae Kwon, Jin-Hyuk Park, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Current Ripple Reduction Control for ZVS Operation of a Fuel-Cell System," in Proc. ECCE Conf., Sep. 2018, pp. 3623–3628.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:28
  • 조회 1,498

This paper proposes current ripple reduction algorithm for zero voltage switching (ZVS) operation of boost-type DC/DC converter.

Fuel-cell system in this paper, DC-DC converter and single-phase inverter are connected. The DC-link voltage contains the second

harmonics when the converter interconnected to the single-phase inverter. This AC ripple component makes some defects to the

system. The inductor current leaves the ZVS operation region, thus the hard switching of the converter reduces the efficiency of

the system. Moreover, this ripple component also makes the stress to the fuel-cell, thus a life time of the fuel-cell is decreased.

This paper proposes a current ripple reduction control for ZVS operation of a fuel-cell system. In this paper, the higher type

controller with a fast dynamic response is applied to the boost converter. The validity of the proposed control algorithm and the

improvement of efficiency of the converter are verified by PSIM simulations with a 1-kW DC-DC converter system. 

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