
[International Conference] Young-Seol Lim, June-Seok Lee, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Wide-range Sensorless and MTPA Control Using a Full-order Flux Observer of High Power IPMSM for the Train Propulsion System," in Proc. ICEE Conf., Jun. 2018

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:28
  • 조회 1,552

This paper proposes a sensorless control method using a full-order observer based on a novel flux model of an interior permanent

magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) and the rotor position error compensation method in order to improve performance of the

maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) operation. Since the novel flux model only uses the d-axis inductance, the IPMSM is regarded

as the surface permanent mounted motor (SPMSM) in the novel flux model. However, the estimated rotor position error caused

by the reluctance component exists in this model. In case of the high power IPMSM, the estimated rotor position error is quite

large; therefore, it cannot be neglected and affects the performance of the MTPA operation. To solve this problem, the estimated

rotor position error compensation method is proposed in this paper. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified

by simulation results. 

Total 984건 44페이지
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