
[International Conference] Dongho Choi, Yeongsu Bak, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Short Fault Detection of Outer Switches in the Current Source Inverter for Reverse Matrix Converter," in Proc. ICEE Conf., Jun. 2018.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:26
  • 조회 1,560

This paper presents a short fault detection method of outer switches in the CSI stage for the Revere matrix converter (RMC). The

RMC is one of the AC/AC converters operating in the boost mode. In case a short fault occurs in the switches of the RMC, output

currents are distorted and powers transmitted to the load become unstable. The proposed fault detection method utilizes the

output current vector angle to detect the short fault and the faulty switch is determined without additional components. In this

paper, the current distortion phenomenon resulting from the short fault in the CSI stage of the RMC is analyzed. Furthermore, an

effectiveness of the proposed short fault detection method is verified by simulation results. 

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