
[International Conference] Keon Young Kim, Yeongsu Bak, Jin-Hyuk Park, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Model Predictive Control Using Subdivided Voltage Vectors for Current Ripple Reduction in an Indirect Matrix Converter," in Proc. IPEC (ECCE-Asia) Conf., May 2018, pp. 4104–4108.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:25
  • 조회 1,627

This paper proposes a model predictive control (MPC) using subdivided voltage vectors for current ripple reduction in an indirect

matrix converter (IMC). In the proposed MPC, the number of candidate voltage vectors is increased by the subdivided voltage vectors.

It is possible to reduce the input-output current ripple of the IMC. In addition, the proposed MPC reduces computation load, which

is caused by the subdivided voltage vectors, by estimating the position of reference voltage vector. Therefore, the input-output

current ripple of the IMC is reduced by the proposed MPC without computational burden. The effectiveness of the proposed MPC

is verified by simulation results. 

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