
[International Conference] Dongho Choi, Yeongsu Bak, Jong-Pil Lee, Tae-Jin Kim, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Control Strategy for Reduction of Current Distortion in Reverse Matrix Converter under Unbalanced Input Conditions," in Proc. APEC Conf., Mar. 2018, pp. 1299–1304.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:24
  • 조회 1,562

This paper proposes a control strategy for reduction of current distortion in reverse matrix converter (RMC) under unbalanced input

conditions. In the distributed generation (DG) system, the RMC is used to transmit the power generated by renewable energy system

(RES) to the grid. If the voltage of the RES has unbalanced conditions, the input and output currents of the RMC are distorted. The

distortion of the output currents especially induces a ripple of power transmitted to the grid and it deteriorates the stability and

reliability of the DG system. The proposed control strategy using positive and negative phase-sequence components of voltage and

current reduces the distortion of both side currents of the RMC. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for reduction of

current distortion is verified by simulation results. 

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