
[International Conference] Jin-Hyuk Park and Kyo-Beum Lee, "A Two-Stage Bidirectional DC/DC Converter with SiC-MOSFET for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Application," in Proc. CENCON Conf., Oct. 2017, pp. 288–293.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:21
  • 조회 1,631

This paper proposes a two-stage bidirectional DC/DC converter for vehicle-to-grid (V2G). The two-stage converter is composed of

the isolated CLLC bidirectional resonant converter and the non-isolated bidirectional converter. The CLLC converter has the symmetric

resonant tank and is operated in the high-frequency which can reduce the volume of the transformer. The purpose of this converter

is high-frequency isolation without control. The converter is operated in the resonant frequency and the gain is maintained to unity.

The non-isolated converter performs the charging and discharging control. This converter has half-bridge structure which has 

problem in regard of the serious voltage stress of the switches by the hard-switching. To reduce the power loss and achieve the

high efficiency, SiC-MOSFET is used in both converters. The proposed two-stage bidirectional converter is verified from PSIM 

simulation with 15-kW bidirectional DC/DC converter. 

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