
[International Conference] Yeongsu Bak, June-Seok Lee, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Modulation and Control Strategy for a Single-Phase to Three-Phase Indirect Matrix Converter Drives," in Proc. ECCE Conf., pp. Oct. 2017, 1065–1070.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:18
  • 조회 1,393

This paper proposes modulation and control strategy for a single-phase to three-phase (1p-3p) indirect matrix converter (IMC) drives.

The 1p-3p IMC is composed of a single-phase current source rectifier (1p-CSR) and a three-phase voltage source inverter (3p-VSI).

The 3p-VSI is operated with modulation strategy similar to that of a common inverter. The 1p-CSR must be operated with a

restriction where a closed loop of that must be guaranteed consistently because the 1p-3p IMC does not have DC-link energy

storage elements such as inductors and capacitors. Therefore, the 1p-CSR is necessary to additional methods regarding a circuit,

modulation strategy, and control strategy. In this paper, the modulation and control strategy for the 1p-3p IMC drives with additional

filter capacitor are proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed modulation and control strategy is verified by simulation results. 

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