
[International Conference] Jongha Kim, Yeongsu Bak, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Control Strategy of the Mono Converter Dual Parallel Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator in Wind Power Generation System," in Proc. PECON Conf., Nov. 2016, pp. 461–466.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:09
  • 조회 1,694

This paper proposes a control strategy for the mono converter dual parallel (MCDP) surface-mounted permanent magnet

synchronous generator (SPMSG) in the wind power generation (WPG) system. Since the MCDP SPMSG in the WPG system means

that two generators are connected to the mono converter in parallel, it can reduce the cost and simplify the configuration of the

WPG system compared to fundamental power generation systems having a converter per one generator. However, if each generator

is exposed to the wind whose speed is changed abruptly, it causes the stability problem of the slave generator in the MCDP SPMSG.

Therefore, this paper proposes the control strategy which can increase the stability of the slave generator through a d-axis current

control of the master generator. The validity of the proposed control strategy is verified by the simulation results. 

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