
[International Conference] Injung Won, Yongsoo Cho, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Predictive Control Algorithm for Capacitor-less Inverters with Fast Dynamic Response," in Proc. PECON Conf., Nov. 2016, pp. 479–483.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:08
  • 조회 1,687

This paper presents a scheme to improve the input current ripple of capacitor-less inverter system using a predictive control

algorithm. The capacitor-less inverter, which is using small capacitor in the dc-link, has several advantages such as competitive cost,

compact size, enhanced reliability, and elimination of initial charging circuit. However, the dc-link voltage shows instability because

the energy storage capability of the small capacitor is not sufficient. Therefore, DC-link shunt compensator (DSC) should be used in

capacitor-less inverter to stabilize the dc-link voltage and nullify the negative impedance by injecting the compensation current.

However, the general proportional integral (PI) current controller, which has wide bandwidth to track the compensation current

having a sinusoidal waveform, is weak for the noise and disturbance. This paper proposes a model predictive control (MPC) algorithm

to improve the performance of DSC. Given the optimal duty cycle calculated by estimating the next state current, the proposed

algorithm has a fast dynamic response and accuracy. The proposed method is verified through PSIM simulations. 

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