
[International Conference] Se-jin Lee, June-Hee Lee, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Reduction of DC-link Current Ripple in Unbalanced Three-parallel PV Module Condition," in Proc. ITEC Conf., Jun. 2016, pp. 647–650.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:04
  • 조회 1,606

This paper proposes reduction of dc-link current ripple in unbalanced input voltage of three-parallel interleaved boost converter. The

non-overlapped interval of diode currents of each boost converter can be occurred in case of the unbalanced input voltage.

Therefore, the ripple of the dc-link current is increased. The non-overlapped interval is removed by adding the calculated phase to

the carriers. Therefore, the current ripple is reduced by applying proposed method. The simulation results proved that dc-link current

ripple is reduced about 36% by applying proposed switching method. The proposed method is verified through PSIM simulations. 

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