
[International Conference] Seong-Yun Kang, Hye-Ung Shin, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Improved Torque Ripple Reduction Method of Five-Phase Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Controller," in Proc. IPEMC (ECCE-Asia) Conf., May 2016, pp. 635–640.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:03
  • 조회 1,647

This paper presents a new torque ripple reduction method using the direct torque control (DTC) of five-phase induction motor. The

main advantages of DTC are a fast response and a simple control. However, these advantages come with a cost of increased torque

ripples. Therefore, it is essential to use the torque ripple reduction method in DTC. The main idea of this proposed algorithm for

reduction of the torque ripple is to calculate a constant value using the fuzzy controller. The constant value is used to calculate the

non-zero vector inserting time in sampling time. The torque error value is used as input to the fuzzy controller. Therefore, the

constant value which is obtained by the output of the fuzzy controller is the optimal value for the torque ripple reduction. The

effectiveness of the proposed torque ripple reduction method is verified by the simulation results.

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