
[International Conference] June-Seok Lee, Yeongsu Bak, Kyo-Beum Lee, and Frede Blaabjerg, "MPC-SVM Method for Vienna Rectifier with PMSG used in Wind Turbine Systems," in Proc. IEEE APEC Conf., Mar. 2016, pp. 3416–3421.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 20:02
  • 조회 1,616

Using a Vienna rectifier as the machine-side rectifier of back-to-back converter is advantageous in terms of size and cost compared

to three-level topologies and for this reason, the Vienna rectifier has been used in Wind Turbine Systems (WTS). This paper proposes

a Model Predictive Control (MPC) method for the Vienna rectifier used in WTS with a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

(PMSG). The proposed MPC method considers the feasible eight-voltage vectors of the Vienna rectifier. In addition, the voltage

vectors, which are the center voltage vectors of two feasible adjacent voltage vectors, are taken into consideration to improve the

performance of the MPC method. The optimized voltage vector for the ripple minimization of PMSG currents is determined by cost

function. Then, the neutral-point voltage unbalancing problem is considered for selecting the final switching set, which is generated

by the space modulation method. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed MPC method is verified by simulations.

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