
[International Conference] Yeongsu Bak, June-Seok Lee, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Control Strategy for Balanced Currents of Indirect Matrix Converter Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions," in Proc. AFORE Conf., Nov. 2015, pp. 164–164.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:55
  • 조회 1,737

This paper proposes a control strategy for balanced input currents of indirect matrix converter (IMC) under unbalanced output

voltage conditions. The current source rectifier (CSR), which is input stage of the IMC, is connected to the engine generation system

(EGS) for providing the constant three-phase voltages. The voltage source inverter (VSI), which is output stage of the IMC, is

connected to the grid. The power is delivered to the grid from the EGS through the IMC. The balanced three-phase grid voltages

produce balanced three-phase grid currents. However, when the grid voltages are unbalanced, they give an influence on both the

input currents and the output currents. Especially, the distorted input currents increase torque ripple of the generator. In addition, it

results in the instability of the overall system; furthermore, it can impact on the lifetime of the system. In this paper, the proposed

control strategy for balanced input currents decouples the positive and negative phase-sequence components existing in the

unbalanced output currents and voltages. They are used to calculate the new reference currents for balanced input currents, which

archive the quality improvement of the output currents. Therefore, the stability and lifetime of the overall system are improved

through the proposed control strategy. The validity of the proposed control strategy is verified by simulation results. 

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