
[International Conference] Jin_Hyuk Park and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Improved DPWM Scheme for Improvement of Grid Current Quality in a Large-Scale Grid-Connected Inverter System with a LCL-Filter," in Proc. CENCON Conf., Oct. 2015, pp. 343–348.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:55
  • 조회 1,553

This paper proposes an improved discontinuous PWM (DPWM) method in a grid-connected inverter system. When the conventional

60° DPWM is used in the switching method, the output voltage of the inverter has many harmonics compared to the continuous

PWM (CPWM) switching method. In large-scale system, a LCL-filter cannot sufficiency reduce the harmonics of the inverter output

voltage. If these harmonics and the resonance frequency band caused by a grid-connected LCL-filter are overlapped, the grid current

oscillates. To solve this problem, the proposed method continuously changes the discontinuous modulation signal by injecting

triangular wave to modulation signal. The proposed algorithm can reduce the harmonics of inverter output voltage. The proposed

DPWM is verified from PSIM simulation with a 600-kW 2-level grid-connected inverter system.

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