
[International Conference] Yeongsu Bak, Yongsoo Cho, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Reverse Matrix Converter for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives using a Direct Power Control," in Proc. ECCE Conf., Sep. 2015, pp. 6832–6837.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:54
  • 조회 1,544

This paper proposes a control method for a reverse matrix converter (RMC)-fed three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor

(PMSM). In this regard, a direct power control (DPC) is used as an additional control method. An indirect matrix converter (IMC) is

an AC/AC power conversion system without dc-link energy storage elements such as capacitors or inductors. The IMC features full

four-quadrant operation and sinusoidal input-output currents. In addition, the IMC has many advantages such as small size, low

weight and durability. However, the IMC has a maximum voltage transfer ratio of 0.866. In this study, to increase the voltage transfer

ratio, a boost-mode IMC is used to feed the PMSM. The boost mode IMC is called a RMC because the topology of the RMC reverses

the input and output power flow of the IMC. Therefore, the RMC has a minimum voltage transfer ratio of 1/0.866. However, in case

the system has a low-resistance load such as a motor in the output stage, the control of the PMSM is difficult without an additional

control method. In other studies regarding the RMC, a high-resistance load is used for the output stage, which prevents the

aforementioned problem. The effectiveness of the proposed control method using the RMC-fed PMSM is verified through simulation


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